Join us at Digital Orlando 2020 to showcase emerging technology, innovative solutions, products, and services directly in front of hundreds of tech entrepreneurs and community leaders.
Why Exhibit?
Brand Awareness
Drive attention to your brand from hundreds of community leaders, journalists, and others with the power to amplify your messaging.
Lead Generation
Build interest and uncover needs from key decision-makers at leading organizations that will be driving tech adoption for years to come.
Thought Leadership
Showcase innovations and solutions and get positioned at the center of key issues facing the industry and community.
Meet the policymakers affecting change in the industry, trade notes with peers and competitors, and interact with top talent all in one place.
Previous AttendeesPast attendees and speakers have represented Influential Corporations, Support Organizations, Universities, Government, and Economic Development Organizations. Here’s a sample of previous attendees.

Exhibiting Industries
- Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality
- Gaming, Simulation
- Defense, Cyber Security
- FinTech, Blockchain, Crypto
- Digital Health, Human Performance
- Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Drones
- Urban Tech, Transportation
- Sustainability, Smart Tech
- Universities, Education, Incubation
- Service Providers
- Economic Development, Venture Investment
- Government, Support Organizations
exhibit options
Have exhibit questions? Contact David Glass at (321) 800-5001